Company description
Hello from - "It's not who you know - IT'S WHO KNOWS OF YOU!"
We are not just "another" business directory ... we are KOSH's new address for news, advertising, social events, highlights, lowlights .... if it is KOSH, it'll be on here.
Launched just 2 weeks ago, we're already making waves with our product offering!
Yes - we do do SEO optimised listings on our website (and for the product you get - we are of the cheapest around!).
Yes - we do have a KOSHtube for all videos subitted to us, about anything in KOSH (of course, Miss SA's video is already on there).
Yes - we have a classifieds section for the public to advertise smalls (with an ingenious payment method)
Yes - we have posted over 100 vacancies in the past 10 days (another approx 50 updates coming through by the weekend)
Yes - we do market on social media (BIG TIME!) (Facebook, twitter, mxit, wiki village, linked in, tumblr, pinterest) (Wiki what? Check it out - over 1 million views in 20 months for wiki village SA on google) (and yes - we are the only Klerksdorp entity on it - forward thinking at it's best)
Yes - we do design websites - either template of customised (the client's budget comes first!)
It's just one yes after another!
It's a new financial year in two weeks - allow us to take your business and news to the next level!
Visit to view our site, and drop us a line on our contact page, or reply to this message.