Company description
While we were creating social media campaigns to create more sales in our other businesses we realized that there weren’t many great services offered to other businesses to help them grow their customer base. We realized that other companies wouldn’t have met our needs for value for money. What was offered was not on par with what we would expect for the amount of money we would have to spend using their services. Our most important factor was value for money and nobody was offering the right platform for us to be able to get what we thought would be good value for money.We Started Mubox because of the gap we saw between the value for money other people were getting using services from other companies. One of the most important things we at Mubox believe in is a return on investment. Who would continue throwing money down an advertising hole if it didn’t grow their customer base enough to justify spending the money? The first thing we decided to do was create a platform where people could easily check on their campaigns and how they were paying off. We decided that we would specialize in two social media platforms, Facebook and Twitter. Facebook and Twitter are huge players in the social media arena and benefit every company by helping their customers and potential new customers find their business. We hope to bring you a wealth of return for each social media campaign you setup with Mubox.